Sunday 23 January 2011

Finding the love

As February approaches, its a good time to remind yourself why you play your sport. For basketball players in particular, there can be a bit of lull in enthusiasm during this time. You might be tired, mentally or physically, and you might be content in your position in your conference. Maybe you've gotten complacent in winning or comfortable in losing. March Madness is right around the corner but it can feel like a distant goal, unrelated to the work you do daily.

So ask yourself some questions:

Why do I play this game?
Am I having fun?
Am I grateful for this opportunity?
Do I fully appreciate being healthy and getting to play?
If the season ended tomorrow would I feel like I gave this game and this team all that I have to give?

The season is long and you have a lot of pressure and responsibilities. The goal is not for this time in your life to be easy; the goal is for you to enjoy the difficult times and make them fun. I look back on college as probably the most difficult, challenging time in my career but by far the most rewarding. Live in the challenge and enjoy it.

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